CEIS 106 Introduction to Operating Systems
This is one of my classes from my second semester at Devry University. In this class we learned about the Linux Operating System and how to successfully use it at a base level. This would include navigating the system terminal, finding and transferring files between directories, creating new users, groups, and directories, and many other useful techniques that Linux has to offer. The PowerPoint in the opposite column will go over everything I have learned in this class and shows examples of all the projects worked on.
CEIS 101 The Internet of Things
This section refers to the Internet of Things. In this class we learned how technology affects modern society, its current benefits, and future potential. In this class we learned about the four elements of IoT (people, data, process, and things), digital connections and how the affect our modern society, the automation of everything as well as, network and security fundamentals. The PowerPoint to the right will show a home security project I was required to complete for the class and the steps taken to ensure it operated properly
CEIS 110 Introduction to Programming
This section refers to everything I've learned in my programming class. This was one of my favorite classes because everything seem to come naturally to me. In this class I learned basic coding using the Python language, the different type of control structures, modular designs, graphing with python, creating list and strings, importing data and applying it to code, and data analytics. The file to the right will give an in-depth explanation of all the projects and skills I've acquired.
CEIS114 Introduction to Digital Devices
This section touches on the skill and knowledge I gained in my CEIS114 class. Introduction to Digital Devices touched more on similar topics from my IoT class. It was more focused on hexadecimal code, logical circuits, the different types of gates, Boolean algebra, and system integration. The PDF provided will lead to my final PowerPoint presentation for the class.
SEC 285 Fundamentals of Information System Security
The PowerPoint presentation to the right touches on all of the skills I've aquired in my SEC 285 class. This includes Vulnerability Assessments, Cryptography, Network Attacks and Defense, and Identity and Access Management.